Wednesday 29 June 2011

Shed a light on crime

When used strategically, the lighting fixtures in and around your house can be valuable part of your home security.  Electricity bill aside, lighting is also a relatively affordable


Outdoor lighting combined with sensitive motion sensors provides a sense of security, especially with a home that has numerous dark corners. Place the lights and motion sensors near doors and windows which will most likely be targeted by the burglar.
Strive to maintain an aesthetic quality when planning the lights. If the lights are to sharp or placed at the wrong angles it may prove to be bothersome to neighbors and even members of your own household. The lighting can also have the dual function of accentuating your garden.

Burglar Beacon

When out for the evening, most leave a single light on as an added security measure and in some cases as the only security measure.  A single light can literally become a beacon for burglars who have become the wiser.  It is better to leave multiple lights on around the house along with a radio of TV.

Successful burglars are those who can move around without being seen. Just by flipping on the light switch you are already on the way of creating a safe home for your family.

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